Discover Psychology
Neurodiversity-affirming assessments of autism, ADHD, learning, anxiety, trauma, gifted/highly capable, and more!
Comprehensive Assessments for the Real World
By combining a philosophy of appreciating neurodiversity with research-based comprehensive assessments, Dr. Woods is able to provide results that make a genuine difference. Her neurodiversity-friendly approach helps you value your and your child’s gifts and differences in a new light. Evidenced-based, precise tools help you learn specific details about challenges and provide guidance for next steps. Dr. Woods can help you understand what the results mean in a real-world context. You will leave knowing what specific supports and services are available to you and how you can best advocate for yourself and your child in our community.
Contact Us
(360) 207-3317
Areas of Practice
Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities
Our understanding of autism, ADHD, learning disabilities and related issues is always changing. Dr. Woods keeps up to date with the latest techniques, tools, and interventions. She can help you understand your results and what they mean for the school, home, and community environments.
Anxiety, Mood, Trauma, and Personality
When you feel overwhelmed, it can be hard to know where to begin. Dr. Woods helps clients clarify their struggles, determine if there is a name for them, and discover insight for how to move forward based on their diagnoses, strengths, and unique circumstances.
Everyone has certain strengths and talents. Whether you are seeking admission to a special school or program or you just want to learn more about your abilities, Dr. Woods is happy to help. Being assessed in a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere can help you or your child achieve your optimal scores. Dr. Woods is also familiar with assessing people who are twice-exceptional (2E).
““Neurodiversity is the future of innovation and progress.”
– Steve Silberman
Get in Touch
Dr. Woods consults with organizations and individuals. She is happy to answer any questions you have and tell you more about the services available! Email drsara@discoverpsychservices.com