An accurate assessment is an investment in your future or your child’s future. The cost of assessment or consultation ranges depending on complexity and time involved. Dr. Woods charges $280 per hour. For a comprehensive assessment, the typical total cost is usually between $2800 to $4000. These fees can be paid using a health savings account or credit card. You will also receive a “superbill,” which is a detailed receipt that provides insurance companies with the information that they need to reimburse you at the out-of-network rate (which varies, but is often about 50-60%). You pay for the face-to-face services at the time of service and pay the remaining balance (for scoring, report writing, and interpretation) a few weeks later before you receive the report.
Consultation to providers is available by phone and zoom at a rate of $150 per half hour.
Rates for consultation with companies and organizations can be negotiated depending on time involved. Please reach out by email for further details.